GoTreatIT® simplifies and improves patient treatment. The software collects and displays specific, relevant clinical information to both patients and healthcare professionals. The compilation of data is used as a decision support tool for medical interventions.
GoTreatIT® RHEUMA handles data related to disease activity, health status, quality of life and medical intervention to provide insight and help improve disease treatment.
The software is intended to be used for specified medical purposes to assist and support the clinicians’ making therapeutic and diagnosis decisions for the treatment of the individual patients.
The patients suffering from rheumatic diagnoses are visiting the hospitals and physicians’ offices regularly over a time at the outpatient clinics. The intended patient population and medical conditions to be diagnosed, treated and/or monitored are patients with rheumatic diseases in the following main diagnosis groups:
GoTreatIT® OSTEOPOROSE handles data related to fractures, BMD, fracture risk, health status and medication to provide insight and help improve disease treatment.
GoTreatIT® GASTRO handles data related to disease activity, health status, quality of life, colonoscopy and intervention to provide insight and help improve disease treatment.
GoTreatIT® CANCER handles data related to treatment, evaluation, health status and lifestyle to provide insight and help improve disease treatment.